Monday 12 June 2017

Ouroboros 2 is out.

The updated, stripped down and re-written from the ground up version of this wonderful pay what you want script is now available.

From the the same guy who bought you Ray Dynamic Color and Ray Dynamic Texture. Find it here.

Saturday 10 June 2017

Latest project.

I recently suffered a major data loss with most of my animation work, projects and the like from the last few years suddenly vanished out of existence. That included the Feynman Physics piece I posted earlier so this storyboard image is the only surviving relic. I may be able to recover it and my drive is at the computer shop as I write
I contemplated giving up on digital art but it's too late I think. In the mean time I started a new thing in After Effects using a limited vector style. Here are a few sample frames.

Monday 5 June 2017